Frequently Asked Questions

If there’s one thing that we love, it is getting questions and requests from our users.
Our users are very engaged and we encourage them to challenge us as they are leveraging more and more of Donatello’s capabilities as they embark on their investment journey.
However, we know that some of our users are a bit shy so we decided to bunch a few of the most frequently asked questions here, please contact us if you have a question or a request that is not covered here.

What Is Donatello?

Designed for long term investors, Donatello is an online portfolio management tool.
Donatello lets you manage your investments and wealth by enabling you to group different holdings into categories, understand how they fit in your investment strategy, and make sound decisions with allocation of new funds.

Why Should I Use Donatello?

You are probably very familiar with your broker’s investments page, and if it is satisfactory to you then you should stick to it.
However, if you found yourself exporting your broker’s data into a spreadsheet in order to get a grip of your investments, then you are probably looking for something more sophisticated.
Donatello will do all of the heavy lifting for you and help you make sound financial decisions while looking at the big financial picture at a glimpse without having to work hard for it

How Do I Get Started?

Most Users would find it best to Import their portfolio directly from their broker, or use our template,
Some would prefer to add stocks manually on our Start Page.
Once you have your holdings with us, you probably want to check out our tutorial for first time users

Which Stock Exchanges Do You Support?

Currently, we support all of the US markets (NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC) and also TASE (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange).
We have concrete plans for adding more stock exchanges soon, stay tuned!

How Much Does Donatello Cost?

Donatello is completely free!

How do you protect my privacy?

We have taken great steps to protect your privacy.
Your authentication data is held in a completely different system than your investments information, no one can access your data!
Everything is encrypted at rest and in transit and we don’t share any data with third parties except for annonymous aggregate events in the form of analytics to improve the service over time.
Please read our privacy Policy to learn more.

How Is My Dividend Yield Calculated?

In order to calculate your dividend yield, the software takes into account all of your investments and their actual yield in the past year.
Using that data it calculates a weighted average of each holding and its yield which generate your total dividend yield.

How Is My Expense Ratio Calculated?

Your expense ratio takes into account all of your held investments, if a holding doesn’t charge expenses according to our data it is considered as 0 expense.
Finally, we calculate a weighted average of all of your holdings to provide your expected expense ratio.