It's Not That Simple

Author: Natan Shaltiel

Inflation has been on many people’s minds lately.
The U.S CPI chart is on a path to the moon with numbers that we haven’t seen in the last twenty years.
February-2022 has set a new record of 7.9% price change compared to February-2021.

Think about it for a second, the same grocery basket that you had a year ago which cost around say $100, now costs roughly $108, so your money is simply buying less.

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Beginners' Guide

You have decided to take the next step in your investment journey and use a professional portfolio management tool to get a sense of your investments.

In this short post, you will learn how to get started with Donatello and how to leverage its power to become a better long term investor.

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Dividend Tracking

For many of us, dividend tracking represents the path towards financial independence.
Those of us that register to the FIRE movement which stands for “Financial Independence Retire Early” often like to do so by carefully crafting a dividend growth portfolio with companies that grow their dividends for decades.
This assures them a steady income stream that can out-pace inflation and support their lifestyle.

Donatello is a great dividend tool that enables dividend-investors in many ways, here are a few:

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Frequently Asked Questions

If there’s one thing that we love, it is getting questions and requests from our users.
Our users are very engaged and we encourage them to challenge us as they are leveraging more and more of Donatello’s capabilities as they embark on their investment journey.
However, we know that some of our users are a bit shy so we decided to bunch a few of the most frequently asked questions here, please contact us if you have a question or a request that is not covered here.

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